1-(2-吡啶基)哌嗪衍生物1,6-HDI, 1-(2-Pyridyl)piperazine derivative of 1,6-HDI ,2900 μg/mL in DMSO
标准品, Trace Impurities in Monocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons,Varied concentrations by percent w/w
D-6379校准曲线, D-6379 Calibration Curve (Alternative Concentration)
ASTM D6550汽油中烯烃校准标准, D-6550 Stock Olefin Standard,Varied Conc %w/w
ASTM乙醇胺标准品, ASTM Ethanolamine Standard,50 μg/mL in Methanol
船用燃料油化学物种测定标准品, Determination of Chemical Species in Marine Fuel Oil
草甘膦&氨甲基磷酸, DIN 38407-22 Glyphosate and AMPA,100 μg/mL in Water
DIN 38414-20 Internal Standard,10 μg/mL in Hexane
正构烷烃混标(C10-20)威斯康星州的柴油烃, Wisconsin Diesel Range Hydrocarbons,0.2 mg/mL in Hexane
CT ETPH烷烃标准, CT ETPH Alkane Standard,1000 μg/mL in Methylene chloride