EPA方法8085-2种混标, Method 8085-Alternate Surrogates,20 μg/mL in MtBE
多环芳烃24种混标, PAH Additions to Method 610,Varied conc. in AcCN
EPA方法8111-4种混标, Haloethers Mix: RCRA analytes,1000 μg/mL in Isooctane
EPA方法8141A套标, Method 8141-Additions to Method 8140
2,4,5-T methyl ester,0.2 mg/mL in Hexane
标准品, Phenoxy-Herbicide Mix-Level 4,Varied conc. in Isooctane
标准品, Phenoxy-Herbicide Mix-Level 5,Varied conc. in Isooctane
EPA方法8150A套标, Chlorinated Herbicides Acids (Underivatized)
2,4-D,0.2 mg/mL in MeOH
标准品, Internal/Surrogate Standard VOA Mix,0.2 mg/mL in MeOH