酸复合物合剂, Acid Composite Mixture,2.0 mg/mL in CH2Cl2
CLP 碱性中性和多环芳烃混标, CLP Base Neutral and PAH Mix,2000 μg/mL in Dichloromethane:Benzene (3:1)
实验室控制样品-内标混合物, Laboratory Control Sample-Internal Standard Mix,25 μg/mL in MeOH
CLP备用分析物标准, CLP Primary Analytes Standard,Varied conc. in 2-5% Nitric Acid
可清除内标, Purgeable Internal Standard,2.5 mg/mL in MeOH
Toluene-d8,0.25 mg/mL in MeOH
标准品, Canada Cannabis Pesticide Mix 1,100 μg/mL in Acetonitrile
(-)-Borneol Standard,100 μg/mL in Methanol
Myrcene Standard,100 μg/mL in Methanol
法呢烯(异构体混合物), Farnesene Standard (mixture of isomers),100 μg/mL in Methanol